As per chivalry is concerned the era of 15th Century was full of the ideas associated with valor and power that guided the spirit of knighthood. In Le Morthe D’Arthur Malory presents us a fine mosaic of so called chivalry and romance that is always a splendor of great poetry. Now, looking into the imaginative power of Romance Le Morthe D’Arthur offers a great variety of emotions as well as action. It is also correct that action remains the prime factor of knighthood.  One common thing is also notable that it sounds paradoxical that the revival of interest in feudal ideas took place at a time when feudalism was decaying in England. In fact the political turbulence and instability caused by the long draw out wars of the Roses made the Arthurian stories all the more attractive. Malory was a mid 15th Century knight of lawless behavior who wrote his stories in prison. We also find that in the work of Malory incident follow each other with less interruption and the emphasis is on action rather than on sentiments or doctrines. He writes about the interrelation of chivalric behavior, illegitimate relationships and unaccomplished love. At least few important incidents in Le Morthe D’Arthur overtly challenge the illicit love relationship. The first occurs early in the work, ”The Noble Tale of Sir Launcelot du Lake”. A damsel confronts Launcelot  with the deplorable fact of his wifelessness, and tells him the rumor of his relationship with queen Gwenever and he is unable to forsake her because she has casted enchantment upon him. Laucelot denial of any such kind of involvement clearly summarizes Malorie’s objections of what he could only designate as adultery or lechery. The consequences of Launcelot own adultery includes the accidental murder of the Good Knight Sir Gareth. Gareth represents the outstanding example of a successful married Knight in Le Morthe D’Arthur and therefore in in some respect represents a better man than Launcelot. Launcelot errs in asserting that marriage ends knightly adventure. In other section dealing with the characters like Tristram, in that part called “joyous Gard” when Sir Dynadan meets Sir Tristram there also occurs the same thing and Tristram insists on the philosophy of Knighthood that a knight must be a lover. Dynadan replies that lovers are mad and infatuated. Even Isode is shocked at Dynadan’s answer. Her view is similar to Tristram that a knight must be a lover or else be shamed. This love which is mentioned time and again in this text is adventurous and carnal.  We also find that when the characters move towards end of the story they show repentance. This marks the victory of virtue that nobody can deny the purity associated with virtue.  Both Launcelot and queen Gwenever recognize that their adulterous relationship caused them to fail in attaining virtuous life. Launcelot possessed a high degree of self knowledge and he realized that worldly love and human pride deprived him of spiritual triumph in the Holy Grail quest. Gwenever and her lover realize and accept that virtuous life is the only way to attain sublimity and purity. D.S.Brewer and P.E.Tucker suggest that Malory approves in some degree of the love between Launcelot and Gwenever. Malory appreciates the value of personal loyalty but his characterization, particularly of Launcelot , indicates that the chief figure of his story well understood the inferior quality of their earthly love.

Launcelot uneasiness about his relationship with Gwenever reflects the final tragedy. Unlike her, he acknowledges and repents of his sin, even if he cannot avoid repeating it time and again. He prays to avoid deadly sins but on his return to the court resumes his attendance to the queen. He does not succeed in restraining his passion.

Marriage is another aspect of legal romance that reflects the virtuous love if performed by the mutual understanding of partners. It is like a lock which serves in this text as key to morality. The union of Gareth and Lyones, is the outstanding, though not the only romantic marriage. Arthur and the court rejoice in the decision of Gareth to marry for love and provide both blessings and gift. Here a question arises which is about the legality of the claim. Merlin the dream reader and the magician knows very well in the starting of the book that the outcome of Uther Pendragon and Egraine will be King Arthur the great man who is going to be the next king. By his magic the tricking of Egraine is done by asserting that the person with whom she is sleeping is none other than her husband but the trick was that he was Uther Pendragon in disguised form. The lady was ignorant but here the legality of marriage is questioned. This story can be connected to King Arthur who also sleeps with a lady who is not his wife but his sister. The king does not know that this bed lock will create Mordred his own illegitimate son. The prophecy is done that Mordred will be the cause of death of King Arthur and it happens at the end of the text. Now the question is about morality and immorality. Love is made through lust and lust is the mother of all evils. Le Morthe D’Arthur was published in 1485 and it was written in jail by Malory. It is a chivalric romance that deals with sin and repentance.   
