MacFlecknoe is a very famous mock-heroic poem written by Dryden. It is also known as mock-epic. It is a kind of poetic form which uses the structure similar to an epic but it is not an epic.  It is typically a satire or a parody which mocks stereotypes. It usually put a fool in the centre of the story as a hero and the whole episode looks absurd.  It uses the same elevated style of narration which is used in any epic. Thus it is epic in miniature form. The trivial subject is made lofty. The purpose of writing any mock-heroic poem is satirical. The subject is ridiculed by the poet by using inappropriate appearances of the characters. We can say that it usually make a mockery of any epic. Readers are amused by reading such mock-heroic poems.  In MacFlecknoe   we can find Flecknoe who is a worthless poet but he is compared to Augustus Caesar. He was entrusted to govern an empire but he looks after “the realms of Nonsense”. Thus we can see that the words which are used is exalted in nature but the subject is an inferior poet.  It is ironical in nature but the irony used here is polite because the language used her is flattering in nature. The intention behind this use of language is to put some scorn over the victim. Throughout the poem the mock-epic style is continued through Shadwell who is MacFlecknoe. We can find the similar use of ironic politeness. MacFlecknoe is understood as the fittest person by his father who can succeed to the throne of dullness. Dryden suddenly recalls the day which is termed as “glorious day”. On this day MacFlecknoe  sailed Thames to honor the king with his song. “He felt swelled with the pride of his celestial charge”. Dryden uses a word “commander” for MacFlecknoe. Thus we can see that that the language used here is inflated but the subject is not inflated.  This language has been applied to a character that is unworthy for it. The intention behind this is to ridicule him. Thus the use of irony here is evident and it amuses the readers on a heightened scale. Another ironic touch is added when he is compared to Arion. Arion was a musician who was very famous for his music which attracted the dolphins. MacFlecknoe  and Arion is incomparable but Dryden has done it beautifully. There is an instance when MacFlecknoe  is referred as “prince of thy harmonious band”. The jealousy of John Singleton, other musician is excited by the music of MacFlecknoe. All the arguments makes Flecknoe believe that MacFlecknoe his son was the fittest person who can be crowned as the supreme king of Dullness. This kingdom of dullness can be ruled by people like MacFlecknoe. Thus we can find that the king himself represents dullness. He is not the king of great men and literature but dullness. The subject used here is trifle. The style of narration is lofty and that is why it has been considered as one of the greatest mock-heroic poem written by Dryden. The site of MacFlecknoe’s coronation is another example of heightened irony as the place is a place where prostitutes lived and dull audiences applauded to plays like The Miser and operas like Psyche. “Empress Fame” spreads the news of Shadwell’s coronation all over the city. This news created a lot of excitement among different nations which came to see the coronation. Here we can find another specimen of “ironic Politeness”.  The coronation of a stupid person is witnessed by different nations and it seems that Dryden has left no any single stone untouched to generate interest in such a great poem. There was no any Persian carpet spread for the king whose coronation was to be done but books written by neglected poets were scattered there. Shadwell’s own poems were kept there in big heaps. The entire coronation ceremony has been described in the same elevated style but it generated laughter among readers because of the triviality of theme. It is the best example of incompatibility. We cannot find any abusive words in the whole poem. The language used reflects extreme politeness.
