Q.1. Caxton’s printing press in London was set up in which year?

          (a) 1476      (b) 1478      (c) 1480      (d) 1485

Q.2. How Many essays did Bacon write?

          (a) 38          (b) 48                   (c) 58          (d) 68

Q.3.Which Day is also known as the eve of St. Agnes?

          (a) January 20 (b) December 22 (c) March 5 (d) June 8

Q.4. French Revolution took place in ?

          (a) 1789      (b) 1798      (c) 1729      (d) 1681

Q.5. Henry James The Art of Fiction appeared in?

          (a) 1884      (b) 1881      (c) 1886      (d) 1888

Q.6. Hemingway got Nobel Prize for Literature in?

          (a) 1948      (b) 1952      (c) 1954      (d) 1956

Q.7. The image of the angry young man first appeared in?

          (a) 1956      (b) 1955      (c) 1954      (d) 1953

Q.8. Charles I was beheaded in which year?

          (a) 1650      (b) 1603      (c) 1649      (d) 1625

Q.9. The old Arcadia in five books was published in which year?

          (a) 1814      (b) 1580      (c) 1583      (d) 1912

Q.10. James I ascended the English throne in which year?

          (a) 1564      (b) 1603      (c) 1616      (d) 1617

Q.11. King James’s version of the Holy Bible was completed in which year?

          (a) 1617      (b) 1611      (c) 1603      (d) 1615

Q.12. Spenserian Stanza consists of how many lines?

          (a) 9            (b) 6            (c) 5            (d) 7

Q.13. Elizabethan age covers the period of ?

          (a) 1558-1603      (b) 1545-1605      (c) 1440-1504       (d) 1551-1660

Q.14. The Spanish Civil war started in which year?

          (a) 1934      (b) 1936      (c) 1935      (d) 1937

Q.15. Alexandrine is a line of how many feet?

          (a) 4            (b) 5            (c) 6             (d) 7

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